When Esme Met Esme...
A/N: This is a little Discworld moment that I still may use in a larger story sometime, but I think it stands pretty well on its own. I'm working under a theory that after Carpe Jugulum, Granny pretty much stayed away from Lancre Castle for a while, for various reasons I may get into later. Princess Esmerelda Margaret Note Spelling of Lancre is about four years old here.
"Hallo Witch Lady." Granny Weatherwax looked down upon a small girl child, which said, "I've got a balloon."
Granny was about to say, "go away," but bit off the words before they left her mouth. Looking around to make sure no one was watching, she did something completely out of her character.
"Well." It sounded a bit stiff and awkward, but the one-word answer was quite a leap for Granny Weatherwax, who typically threatened to curse small children.
The little girl had wide blue eyes under a mass of curly blonde hair. She was holding a balloon on a string and giving Granny a look of serious regard. After a moment, she said, "'S pink."
"Well, now."
Granny shifted uncomfortably. She wasn't sure what else to say.
"I can tell you're a Witch Lady, b'cause of your hat."
"There's a duck outside."
"Oh?" Granny blinked. "Is there?"
The girl smiled. "I'm Esme."
"I know," Granny nodded. She was surprised to find herself returning the smile. "I am, too."
"What're you up to Esme?"
Granny jumped at the voice suddenly behind her. She turned on her heel to glare at Nanny Ogg.
"You ain't got no business asking what I'm up to, Gytha Ogg, and quit sneaking up on people! I tole you not to sneak up on people!"
Nanny leered. "I wasn't sneaking," she said. "And anyway, who says I was askin' you, Esme? I coulda been talking to the little princess Esme." She peered around Granny. "Cooee, dearie."
"Hallo, Other Witch Lady," the princess replied, and Nanny Ogg found herself thinking, Now that's interesting, I've known the girl her whole life and now it's me who's Other Witch Lady...
"Let me see now, I think I have a sweetie in my pocket here..."
"Gytha," Granny snapped. "Did you want something?"
"Well, now you mention it," the other witch said innocently, "there might've been something I was wanting to discuss with you."
Granny turned back to her namesake.
"Run off," she said.
Disclaimer: Discworld is the property of the great Terry Pratchett. I mean no infringement and make no profit. Please do not copy or republish Erin's work without her express written permission. Thank you!
"Hallo Witch Lady." Granny Weatherwax looked down upon a small girl child, which said, "I've got a balloon."
Granny was about to say, "go away," but bit off the words before they left her mouth. Looking around to make sure no one was watching, she did something completely out of her character.
"Well." It sounded a bit stiff and awkward, but the one-word answer was quite a leap for Granny Weatherwax, who typically threatened to curse small children.
The little girl had wide blue eyes under a mass of curly blonde hair. She was holding a balloon on a string and giving Granny a look of serious regard. After a moment, she said, "'S pink."
"Well, now."
Granny shifted uncomfortably. She wasn't sure what else to say.
"I can tell you're a Witch Lady, b'cause of your hat."
"There's a duck outside."
"Oh?" Granny blinked. "Is there?"
The girl smiled. "I'm Esme."
"I know," Granny nodded. She was surprised to find herself returning the smile. "I am, too."
"What're you up to Esme?"
Granny jumped at the voice suddenly behind her. She turned on her heel to glare at Nanny Ogg.
"You ain't got no business asking what I'm up to, Gytha Ogg, and quit sneaking up on people! I tole you not to sneak up on people!"
Nanny leered. "I wasn't sneaking," she said. "And anyway, who says I was askin' you, Esme? I coulda been talking to the little princess Esme." She peered around Granny. "Cooee, dearie."
"Hallo, Other Witch Lady," the princess replied, and Nanny Ogg found herself thinking, Now that's interesting, I've known the girl her whole life and now it's me who's Other Witch Lady...
"Let me see now, I think I have a sweetie in my pocket here..."
"Gytha," Granny snapped. "Did you want something?"
"Well, now you mention it," the other witch said innocently, "there might've been something I was wanting to discuss with you."
Granny turned back to her namesake.
"Run off," she said.
Disclaimer: Discworld is the property of the great Terry Pratchett. I mean no infringement and make no profit. Please do not copy or republish Erin's work without her express written permission. Thank you!
Eee! I love small girl children! That was awesome and the characters were good and it makes me happy.
'S pink.
Anonymous, at 9:15 AM
...that first comment was by me.
Anonymous, at 9:15 AM
I like it. The blog. And the story. Go Erin!
Jonah Comstock, at 10:00 AM
good work. I could never adapt other peoples characters the way you can.
Nathaniel Cornstalk, at 7:48 PM
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